Nina Rapi ist eine ausgezeichnete, zweisprachige Dramatikerin (Englisch-Griechisch) und Erzählerin (ihre neueste Sammlung ist State of Fugue). Ihre Stücke wurden als inszenierte Lesungen an Orten wie: Southbank Centre (London Literatur Festival), Soho Theatre Studio, Lyrisches Studio, Tristan Bates (Modern Griechisch Plays Festival/theatrelab), ICA, Riverside Studios, Gielgud Theater/ West End Shorts/New Play Festival (London), National Theater, Theatro Technis, Theater von Piraues (Festival analogion); „heatro empros“ (Queer Festival) (Griechenland); Indien (Pirani, Bits Festival); Portugal (Estaca Zero Teatro, 10X10 Festival) aufgeführt. Ihre Werke wurden international ausgezeichnet, 2017/18 hatte ihr Stück (Un)Certainties in Piräus Premiere, das Stück Splinters wurde im Athener Sokolis-Verlag publiziert, genauso wie Angelstate in The Oberon Anthology of Contemporary Greek Plays. Sie schreibt Essays zum Thema Ästhetik und Sexualität und ist Gründungsmitglied des Brand Literary Magazine.
Nach langen Jahren in London und Greenwich lebt sie nunmehr wieder in Athen.
- in 2017-2018, her new play (Un)certainties was presented at the Theatre of Piraeus. Splinters was produced in Athens and Thessaloniki and published by Sokolis Publishers; it was also produced at the University of Oxford by Praxis. Her libretto Raven Revisited was performed at Theatro Voyiatzis (the opera in a shorter version was also performed at Onassis Cultural Centre in 2014). And The Oberon Anthology of Contemporary Greek Plays was published in the UK, including her play Angelstate.
- Essays on her work by other writers and essays by her on aesthetics and sexuality have been published by Cambridge University Press, Routledge, Mimesis Edizioni, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Harwood Academic Press, Oberon, Sokolis. She has taught Creative Writing at the Universities of London and Greenwich for many years. She is also the founding editor of Brand Literary Magazine. She has lived in London most of her life but has now returned to Greece and lives in Athens.