Elena Pallantza was born in Athens (1969). She attended the German School of Athens. She studied Classical Philology at the Kapodistrias University of Athens and completed her PhD on the Myth of the Trojan War in posthomeric Literature at the Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg in Germany. She also studied Intercultural Education at the University of Cologne. 1996-2003 she worked as a teacher of Ancient and Modern Greek Language and Literature at the German School of Athens. Since 2003 she has lived and worked in Bonn. 2005-2008 she was correspondent for Modern German Literature for the Greek literary journal Diavazo. Since 2006 she has taught Modern Greek Language and Literature at the department of Classical Philology at the Friedrich-Wilhelms University of Bonn. She is a free-lance literary translator both from Greek into German and from German into Greek. In 2013 she founded the Translation Circle LEXIS, with the aim of translating modern Greek Literature into German. She is a member of the board of the German-Greek Internet portal diablog.eu, which promotes Greek Culture in Germany. Poems, short-stories and translations by her both in Greek and in German have been published in anthologies and literary journals. 2016 she published her first book of Poetry by Perispomeni editions.
- Der Bau (literature magazine ENEKEN, Thessaloniki 2017)
- Sechs Gedichte (Online literature magazine POIEIN 2017)
http://www.poiein.gr/archives/36975/index.html - Oryzonos und Kykladon Straße. 25 lustige Gedichte über eine Eutopie, (Perispomeni, Athens 2016) http://www.biblionet.gr/book/211041/Παλλαντζά,_Έλενα/Ορυζώνος_και_Κυκλάδων
- Sieben Gedichte (Online literature magazine .poema. 2015)
- Einflußangst (literature magazine INTELLECTUM, Thessaloniki 2018)
- Für immer geschlossen (APuZ 35-37/2012, Federal Agency for Civic Education 2012) http://www.bpb.de/apuz/142824/fuer-immer-geschlossen-kurzgeschichte
- Spuren im Schnee (in the German-Greek anthology Bewegt, Größenwahn, Frankfurt a. M. 2010)
- Zacharias, (in the anthology Kurzgeschichten, Kastaniotis, Athen)
from greek into german
- 6 poems by the Greek poet Nikos Erinakis (presentation in CULTURESCAPES, Zürich 2017 (http://www.culturescapes.ch/programm_2017), published in: Kleine Tiere zum Schlachten. Neue Gedichte aus Griechenland, Parasitenpresse, Köln 2017
- Konstantinos Chatzinikolaou, Woyzeck (2017) – Long poem and digital video (Dokumenta 14, Kassel 2017)
- Narimane Mari, Le fort des fous (2017) – Digital video installation (Dokumenta 14, Kassel 2017)
- Dimitris Eleftherakis, Die schwierige Kunst, Reinecke & Voß, Leipzig 2017
- Jannis Ritsos, Helena, Reinecke & Voß, Leipzig 2017
- Selection and translation of 25 poems by the Greek poet Stamatis Polenakis, published 2016 in ΚuLi (Journal for Art and Literature) 2/2016 (issue 3)
- Selection and translation of 9 poems by Stamatis Polenakis, published 2016 in MΑΤRΙΧ (Journal for Art and Literature) 1/2016 (issue 43)
- Selection and translation of 5 poems by Stamatis Polenakis, published in 2015 in DICHTUNGSRING (Journal of Literature, issue 45)
from german into greek
- G. Sebald, Le promeneur solitaire: Erinnerung an Robert Walser – in: Logis in einem Landhaus. About Gottfried Keller, Johann Peter Hebel, Robert Walser and others. Carl Hanser Verlag, 1998) for the literary magazine lasttapes (in press)
- Selection and translation of 5 poems by Friedrich Rückert from the Kindertotenlieder for the exhibition MEMENTO VIVERE (Poetry: Anastasia Gkitsi and Photography: Thanassis Raptis), May 2017, OΚΤΟ Photogallery, Thessaloniki
- Selection and translation of 6 poems by the German poet Ines Berwing, published in 2015 in the literary magazine ΠΟΙΗΤΙΚΗ (issue 16)
- Meisterwerke der antiken Kunst, ed. Luca Giuliani, Munich 2005 for the Crete University Press (C.U.P.) 2014 (https://www.cup.gr/book/aristourgimata-tis-archeas-technis/ )
- Roger Willemsen, Hier spricht Guantánamo, Zweitausendeins 2005, for publisher Armida (Nicosia 2006)