Photo © Tatiana Mavromati
is an Athens-based poet, translator and editor, born in 1983. As a founding co-editor of the poetry magazine Teflon, which publishes cutting edge literature from Greece and the world, she has introduced the works of Audre Lorde, Nanni Balestrini, Yosano Akiko, Keston Sutherland, Nicole Brossard, and many other contemporary and experimental poets to a Greek readership. Her most recent translations include the young American poets Hala Alyan, Max Ritvo, Wendy Trevino and Ari Banias. She also writes on topics as varied as the poetics of hip hop and the poetry of African-American lesbian poets (Pat Parker, Cheryl Clarke etc.). Her translations include Valerie Solana’s Scum Manifesto and Mike Davis’ Dead Cities. In 2014 her translation of Debbie Drechsler’s graphic novel Daddy’s girl was nominated for Comicdom’s best translated comic award. She has organized and participated in various interdisciplinary performances, including “Poetry Is Just Words in the Wrong Order”, that won the Soundout! New Ways of Presenting Literature Award (Berlin, 2014). She has collaborated with the poet Jazra Khaleed for the poetry short film Gone is Syria, gone (2016), that was selected for the Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur, the Kasseler Dokfest and L’Alternativa. Her poems were recently included in the anthology Austerity Measures: The New Greek Poetry (Penguin, 2016; New York Review Books, 2017).