Born 1952 in Athens. Attended the German School of Athens and the First Model High School of Athens. Studied Mathematics. Obtained a doctorate at University of Athens under the supervision of Professor Michalis Meraklis: dissertation topic „Cultural trends during the period 1974-1989“.
He published the cultural study „The superfluous and the essential“ (Delphini, 2003). Edited a collection of articles on „The Political Economy of the Globalisation“ (Papazisi, 2004). Wrote the short-story collection „MEZ“ (Kastaniotis, 2005). Contributed to the literary publication of the Complete Works of Dimosthenis Voutiras (a Delphini, Stachy co-publication). Together with the poet Costas Ritsonis he published the literary magazine „Hoi Philoi“. He was Editor-in-chief of the annual literary publication EPILOGOS and of the DIAVAZO review (2005- 2012). He wrote the short-story collection „Pii akoune akoma jazz;” (Kedros, 2011), was a Journalist for TO VIMA(- 2013) and wrote the short story collection “Istories apo to Mets” (Kedros, 2017).
Since 2013 he is the Editor in chief of the e-magazine book review O Anagnostis (