Since 2003 she has been active as an actress in the improvisational theatre ensemble „fast forward“.
Solo engagements, among others for the MMK Frankfurt and the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart complete her repertoire.
She has worked as a director for several theatre and performance projects (award winner
Innovation Award Socio-Culture 2015).
Since 2007, the artist has been on the road throughout German-speaking countries and across Europe as a slam poet and trainer.
She moderates poetry slams, festivals, congresses, galas and panel discussions (including the presentation of the German amateur theatre prize „amarena“ 2014-2016, the „KUNST 2015“ as well as numerous events on behalf of the Hessian Ministry of Education, Science and Art and of the cities of Hanau and Wiesbaden).
Since 2013 Macri has been working as a freelance trainer for poetry slam, creative writing and performance for the European project ThesSLAMoniki in the Stuttgart Cultural Cabinet.
In 2014 she and her team partner Dalibor won the international German Poetry Slam Championships in Dresden as Team Scheller.
In 2015 they became vice champion and best German team.
Since 2016 Dominique Macri has worked as a freelance consultant for Maiconsulting, Heidelberg (among others for Bosch, Media Saturn, Deutsche Bahn).
In 2017 she traveled to Qatar as a trainer on behalf of the Goethe-Institut.
Dominique Macri
Foto © Photostudio Laackman
Comes from Marburg. She is a slam poet, actress, presenter, trainer and graduate psychologist.